<<<<<<< HEAD DOI List

Volume 2 Issue 3 - DOI List

DOI List

Sr. Number Paper Title DOI
1 Sequestration of carbon by biochar produced from Calotropisgigantea leaf doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2301
2 Eco-dynamics of East Kolkata Wetlands with special reference to
biodiversity: Efficacy of the application of GIS and Remote sensing in
delineation ecological status
3 Environmental Management in India doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2303
4 Water Quality of Ganga River at Bagbazar Ghat of Kolkata During PreLockdown Months of 2020: A Brief Study doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2304
5 Combustion synthesis and optical properties of nanocrystalline Pr4Al2O9 doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2305
======= DOI List

Volume 2 Issue 3 - DOI List

DOI List

Sr. Number Paper Title DOI
1 Sequestration of carbon by biochar produced from Calotropisgigantea leaf doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2301
2 Eco-dynamics of East Kolkata Wetlands with special reference to
biodiversity: Efficacy of the application of GIS and Remote sensing in
delineation ecological status
3 Environmental Management in India doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2303
4 Water Quality of Ganga River at Bagbazar Ghat of Kolkata During PreLockdown Months of 2020: A Brief Study doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2304
5 Combustion synthesis and optical properties of nanocrystalline Pr4Al2O9 doi.org/10.15864/ijcaes.2305
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